Featured artist
Jerry L. Gadd
Maryland, USA
- Sell original works
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- Sell reproduced works
- Take commissions/assignments
Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Landscape
Painting/Drawing - Portrait
Painting/Drawing - Still Life
Painting/Drawing - Floral
Artist Statement/Bio
I completed art school in Baltimore Maryland at the Le Millet School of Art, and completed the Famous Artist School correspondence course. I have won awards both locally and online, such as the Contemporary Art Gallery Online competition. My artwork has been published in magazines, such as Southwest Art Magazine and others.
I completed art school in Baltimore Maryland at the Le Millet School of Art, and completed the Famous Artist School correspondence course. I have won awards both locally and online, such as the Contemporary Art Gallery Online competition. My artwork has been published in magazines, such as Southwest Art Magazine and others.
Gallery Representation & Exhibition Schedule
The Hanover Area Art Guild n Hanover, Pennsylvania
Carroll County Arts Council in Westminster, Maryland
Carroll County Arts Council in Westminster, Maryland