Featured artist
Yvonne Maximchuk
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- Sell reproduced works
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Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Seascape
Painting/Drawing - Nautical

Artist Statement
The world around is so full of mystery, complexity and beauty that my life's work has simply been to find a few effective working parameters and use this life time to be as creative as possible.
My subject material and style vary in response to the astonishing array of subjects to paint and ways to paint them. A mastery of expressive watercolor has been the mainstay of my artistic endeavors. In larger acrylic on canvas paintings I examine and explore themes stimulated by not only the aquatic ‘place’ I call home but also the history, geography, flora and fauna of the oceanside world inhabit. I never travel without sketchpad and pencil, and a small watercolour kit, and from this gathering of material, larger paintings evolve.
I have embraced the blessing of my artistic creativity with enormous gratitude for how it has shaped my life and life's experience, never suffering boredom, ennui nor lacking in purpose and a compelling reason to get up in the morning.
I've been a working artist my entire life as attested to by the following.
Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions
2017 ~ Sept, The Art Loft, Alert Bay and Oct. Sidney Fine Arts Juried Show
2017 ~ Mar. Colour the British Columbia Coast watercolour workshop, White Rock Library
2017 ~ May, North Vancouver Island Artist Society Mother’s Day Art Show, July, Display at Pierre’s @Echo Bay, August, Telegraph Cove Arts and Craft Show
2016 ~ Oct. Whyte’s Framing and Gallery, Comox BC Solo exhibit.
2014 ~ Oct. Sidney Fine Arts Juried Show, Sidney BC
2013 ~ Feb. Two person exhibit with Karen Martin Sampson at Pearl Ellis Gallery, Comox BC
2010 ~ Solo Exhibition of Watercolors and Acrylic paintings from across Canada journey, “From Sea to Shining Sea”, Seventh Heaven Art Salon, Crescent Beach, B.C.
2009/10 ~ Display of paintings at Nimmo Bay Resort, BC
2008 ~ Dec. Two person show of my paintings and pottery with Albert Munro, WCCCS,Port Hardy
2007 ~ Organized and participated in, The Mermaid Show, WCCCS, Port Hardy BC
2006 ~ Group Exhibit of North Vancouver Island Artist Society, Coal Harbour BC
2005 ~ Mind and Matter Show and Sale, White Rock BC
2004 ~ Surrey Public Art Gallery Juried Show of Drawings, Surrey BC
2003 ~ November, Surrey Public Art Gallery, Juried Show “River”, Surrey BC
2003 ~ April, Brandt Wildlife Festival, Qualicum BC:
2003 ~ May, “Artropolis” Juried Art Exhibit, Vancouver BC
2002 ~ “Living Oceans” Traveling Exhibit and Auction, North Island, Victoria, and Vancouver, BC
1998 ~ Just Art Gallery, Group Exhibit, Port McNeill BC
1996 ~ Choyces Gallery, Solo Exhibit, Sointula BC
1994 ~ Graphics West Solo Exhibit, Port Hardy BC
1992 ~ Jackie’s Gallery Solo Exhibit, Sointula BC
1991 ~ East of Java Gallery, Solo exhibit, Port McNeill BC
1989 ~ Araki International Gallery, Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver BC
1987 ~ Sooke Juried Art Show, Sooke BC
1986 ~ Arts ‘86 Juried Exhibition, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey BC
1985 ~ American Institute for French Studies, Exhibit, Avignon, France
1983 ~ Surrey Centennial Arts Centre, Instructors Exhibit, Surrey BC
1982 ~ Station Arts Centre, Solo Exhibit, White Rock BC
1981 ~ White Rock Library, Solo Exhibit
2016 ~ Harbour Publishing, “Colour the British Columbia Coast”
2015 ~ Harbour Publishing with Bill Proctor; “Tide Rips and Back Eddies”
2013 ~ Caitlin Press publication of my memoir; “Drawn to Sea~
Paintbrush to Chainsaw: Carving out a Life in BC’s Rugged Raincoast”
2006~ Cottage Magazine, September ~ “The Life Aquatic”
2003 ~ Harbour Publishing, with Bill Proctor “Full Moon Flood Tide”
1992 ~ Harrowsmith Magazine, October ~ Sidebar with “A Shore Thing”, “Dentures
2012 ~ Writers workshop with Paula Wild, Nuchatlitz Island, BC
2012 ~ Workshop; Abstract Expressionism with Skip Lawrence of Maryland USA, Sidney, BC
2001 ~ 2002 ~ Provincial Instructors Diploma Program, Vancouver and Nanaimo
1990 ~ Painting workshop with Harry Heine, two weeks Loire Valley to Paris, France
1985 ~ Centre d’Etudes Francais de l’ Institute Americain, six weeks painting workshop Avignon, France
1983 ~ Canadian Federation of Artists workshop with Zoltan Szabo, Vancouver BC
1978 ~ Watercolor painting class, 10 weeks with Paul Kuzma, Langley BC
1972 to 1974 ~Animation studies and employment at Canawest Film Productions, Vancouver BC
1970 ~ 1972 Associate of Arts Diploma, Scholarship standing in the Graphic Arts
and Illustration Program at Douglas College (currently Kwantlen College)
2015 ~ Watercolor and acrylic painting workshops, Sointula, Alert Bay, Tahsis and Denman Island
1998 to 2017 ~ Art Retreat workshops in watercolor, acrylic painting, photography and ceramic arts at Searose Art Retreat
1999 ~ 2001 ~ Watercolor instruction for Elderhostel, Alert Bay, BC
1983 ~ 2006 ~ Taught art workshops and classes in a variety of media
1979 ~ 1986 ~ Employed by Surrey Parks & Recreation teaching Watercolor and
Drawing classes.
1985 ~ Awarded Instructor of the Year, Surrey Parks and Recreation
The world around is so full of mystery, complexity and beauty that my life's work has simply been to find a few effective working parameters and use this life time to be as creative as possible.
My subject material and style vary in response to the astonishing array of subjects to paint and ways to paint them. A mastery of expressive watercolor has been the mainstay of my artistic endeavors. In larger acrylic on canvas paintings I examine and explore themes stimulated by not only the aquatic ‘place’ I call home but also the history, geography, flora and fauna of the oceanside world inhabit. I never travel without sketchpad and pencil, and a small watercolour kit, and from this gathering of material, larger paintings evolve.
I have embraced the blessing of my artistic creativity with enormous gratitude for how it has shaped my life and life's experience, never suffering boredom, ennui nor lacking in purpose and a compelling reason to get up in the morning.
I've been a working artist my entire life as attested to by the following.
Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions
2017 ~ Sept, The Art Loft, Alert Bay and Oct. Sidney Fine Arts Juried Show
2017 ~ Mar. Colour the British Columbia Coast watercolour workshop, White Rock Library
2017 ~ May, North Vancouver Island Artist Society Mother’s Day Art Show, July, Display at Pierre’s @Echo Bay, August, Telegraph Cove Arts and Craft Show
2016 ~ Oct. Whyte’s Framing and Gallery, Comox BC Solo exhibit.
2014 ~ Oct. Sidney Fine Arts Juried Show, Sidney BC
2013 ~ Feb. Two person exhibit with Karen Martin Sampson at Pearl Ellis Gallery, Comox BC
2010 ~ Solo Exhibition of Watercolors and Acrylic paintings from across Canada journey, “From Sea to Shining Sea”, Seventh Heaven Art Salon, Crescent Beach, B.C.
2009/10 ~ Display of paintings at Nimmo Bay Resort, BC
2008 ~ Dec. Two person show of my paintings and pottery with Albert Munro, WCCCS,Port Hardy
2007 ~ Organized and participated in, The Mermaid Show, WCCCS, Port Hardy BC
2006 ~ Group Exhibit of North Vancouver Island Artist Society, Coal Harbour BC
2005 ~ Mind and Matter Show and Sale, White Rock BC
2004 ~ Surrey Public Art Gallery Juried Show of Drawings, Surrey BC
2003 ~ November, Surrey Public Art Gallery, Juried Show “River”, Surrey BC
2003 ~ April, Brandt Wildlife Festival, Qualicum BC:
2003 ~ May, “Artropolis” Juried Art Exhibit, Vancouver BC
2002 ~ “Living Oceans” Traveling Exhibit and Auction, North Island, Victoria, and Vancouver, BC
1998 ~ Just Art Gallery, Group Exhibit, Port McNeill BC
1996 ~ Choyces Gallery, Solo Exhibit, Sointula BC
1994 ~ Graphics West Solo Exhibit, Port Hardy BC
1992 ~ Jackie’s Gallery Solo Exhibit, Sointula BC
1991 ~ East of Java Gallery, Solo exhibit, Port McNeill BC
1989 ~ Araki International Gallery, Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver BC
1987 ~ Sooke Juried Art Show, Sooke BC
1986 ~ Arts ‘86 Juried Exhibition, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey BC
1985 ~ American Institute for French Studies, Exhibit, Avignon, France
1983 ~ Surrey Centennial Arts Centre, Instructors Exhibit, Surrey BC
1982 ~ Station Arts Centre, Solo Exhibit, White Rock BC
1981 ~ White Rock Library, Solo Exhibit
2016 ~ Harbour Publishing, “Colour the British Columbia Coast”
2015 ~ Harbour Publishing with Bill Proctor; “Tide Rips and Back Eddies”
2013 ~ Caitlin Press publication of my memoir; “Drawn to Sea~
Paintbrush to Chainsaw: Carving out a Life in BC’s Rugged Raincoast”
2006~ Cottage Magazine, September ~ “The Life Aquatic”
2003 ~ Harbour Publishing, with Bill Proctor “Full Moon Flood Tide”
1992 ~ Harrowsmith Magazine, October ~ Sidebar with “A Shore Thing”, “Dentures
2012 ~ Writers workshop with Paula Wild, Nuchatlitz Island, BC
2012 ~ Workshop; Abstract Expressionism with Skip Lawrence of Maryland USA, Sidney, BC
2001 ~ 2002 ~ Provincial Instructors Diploma Program, Vancouver and Nanaimo
1990 ~ Painting workshop with Harry Heine, two weeks Loire Valley to Paris, France
1985 ~ Centre d’Etudes Francais de l’ Institute Americain, six weeks painting workshop Avignon, France
1983 ~ Canadian Federation of Artists workshop with Zoltan Szabo, Vancouver BC
1978 ~ Watercolor painting class, 10 weeks with Paul Kuzma, Langley BC
1972 to 1974 ~Animation studies and employment at Canawest Film Productions, Vancouver BC
1970 ~ 1972 Associate of Arts Diploma, Scholarship standing in the Graphic Arts
and Illustration Program at Douglas College (currently Kwantlen College)
2015 ~ Watercolor and acrylic painting workshops, Sointula, Alert Bay, Tahsis and Denman Island
1998 to 2017 ~ Art Retreat workshops in watercolor, acrylic painting, photography and ceramic arts at Searose Art Retreat
1999 ~ 2001 ~ Watercolor instruction for Elderhostel, Alert Bay, BC
1983 ~ 2006 ~ Taught art workshops and classes in a variety of media
1979 ~ 1986 ~ Employed by Surrey Parks & Recreation teaching Watercolor and
Drawing classes.
1985 ~ Awarded Instructor of the Year, Surrey Parks and Recreation
Gallery Representation & Exhibition Schedule
West Coast Community Craft Shop, Port Hardy BC
Rona, Port McNeill
Reflecting Spirit Gallery, Ucluelet BC Canada
Pierre's@EchoBay, Echo Bay BC, July 25-28
White Rock Public Library, White Rock BC, Feb. 2019
Rona, Port McNeill
Reflecting Spirit Gallery, Ucluelet BC Canada
Pierre's@EchoBay, Echo Bay BC, July 25-28
White Rock Public Library, White Rock BC, Feb. 2019
Workshops/Classes Offered
Personally designed workshops to nurture the healing power of self-expression.
Instruction in watercolour, acrylics, ceramic arts, and/or writing to suit individual aspirations.
Dates chosen by mutual agreement at SeaRose Art Retreat in the Broughton Archipelago on the BC coast.
Instruction in watercolour, acrylics, ceramic arts, and/or writing to suit individual aspirations.
Dates chosen by mutual agreement at SeaRose Art Retreat in the Broughton Archipelago on the BC coast.