Featured artist
Wesley Lowe
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- Take commissions/assignments
- Offer workshops/classes
Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Portrait
Painting/Drawing - Transportation
Painting/Drawing - Nautical

Artist Statement
I see myself as a visual story teller. The strategy behind my work is to connect the elements, be they historical or otherwise and lead the viewer’s eye around the work with visual clues. Hopefully they will experience a connection to what attracted me to the subject.
I was born in Toronto. At the age of 19, I enrolled in a Graphic Arts program. By the end of the second year, I had assembled a portfolio. It took me about 6 months to land a junior position in Graphic Art. I also learned of an evening course being offered at the Ontario College of Art on illustration. My enrolling was one of the best decisions I had made to further my art career in the direction I really wanted to go.
Nearly 8 years in the Graphic Design field, I felt I was now prepared to give up the steady pay for freelance illustration. Work came in slowly in the beginning, but picked up by the second year and increased further with interesting projects from my new Artist Rep. in New York. Many years later I chose to turn my attention away from freelance illustration and begin painting for myself, full time. My choices for subjects are wide and varied, from people, landscapes and historical subjects. My chosen medium is traditional oil paint on canvas.
I see myself as a visual story teller. The strategy behind my work is to connect the elements, be they historical or otherwise and lead the viewer’s eye around the work with visual clues. Hopefully they will experience a connection to what attracted me to the subject.
I was born in Toronto. At the age of 19, I enrolled in a Graphic Arts program. By the end of the second year, I had assembled a portfolio. It took me about 6 months to land a junior position in Graphic Art. I also learned of an evening course being offered at the Ontario College of Art on illustration. My enrolling was one of the best decisions I had made to further my art career in the direction I really wanted to go.
Nearly 8 years in the Graphic Design field, I felt I was now prepared to give up the steady pay for freelance illustration. Work came in slowly in the beginning, but picked up by the second year and increased further with interesting projects from my new Artist Rep. in New York. Many years later I chose to turn my attention away from freelance illustration and begin painting for myself, full time. My choices for subjects are wide and varied, from people, landscapes and historical subjects. My chosen medium is traditional oil paint on canvas.