Featured artist
Robert Albrecht
Arizona, USA
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- Sell reproduced works
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Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Wildlife/Birds
Painting/Drawing - Pets/Equine
Digital Art
Artist Statement/Bio
I have spent many years as a professional photographer in the commercial and fashion field. I have a passion for creating the beautiful, the creative, and the memorable. That is what an artist does-takes a vision and transforms it into an exceptional work of art.
I love animals; always have. When I found my expression in Digital Art, I loved the fact that I could demonstrate my love of animals and wildlife as a Mixed Media Digital Artist/Fine Art Photographer. Since I began painting wildlife, many clients have commented on my powerful renditions and how I have captured the "soul/spirit" of the animal. I have also carried that style of painting over into my "Classic Pet Portraits" and clients have reflected on the "strength and feeling of life" in their commissioned art pieces. I welcome the opportunity to create my interpretations of our extraordinary wildlife and of families beloved and cherished pets. My rich, classic style exemplifies my belief that all animals have a "soul, heart and feelings" and this is what I attempt to project through my paintings.
I have spent many years as a professional photographer in the commercial and fashion field. I have a passion for creating the beautiful, the creative, and the memorable. That is what an artist does-takes a vision and transforms it into an exceptional work of art.
I love animals; always have. When I found my expression in Digital Art, I loved the fact that I could demonstrate my love of animals and wildlife as a Mixed Media Digital Artist/Fine Art Photographer. Since I began painting wildlife, many clients have commented on my powerful renditions and how I have captured the "soul/spirit" of the animal. I have also carried that style of painting over into my "Classic Pet Portraits" and clients have reflected on the "strength and feeling of life" in their commissioned art pieces. I welcome the opportunity to create my interpretations of our extraordinary wildlife and of families beloved and cherished pets. My rich, classic style exemplifies my belief that all animals have a "soul, heart and feelings" and this is what I attempt to project through my paintings.
Gallery Representation & Exhibition Schedule
True West Images Studio & Gallery
Sedona, AZ
(928) 284-4330
Sedona Police Departmant, Sedona AZ
Painting of K-9 Officer "Max"
City of Sedona-City Hall
Sedona, AZ Permanent City Art Collection-Joe Beeler Portrait
City of Town & Country-City Hall
Town & Country, MO Permanent City Art Collection
Also represented in numerous public and private art collections and my work has been published nationally and internationally.
Sedona Visual Artists Coalition Sedona, Arizona
National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP)
Sedona, AZ
(928) 284-4330
Sedona Police Departmant, Sedona AZ
Painting of K-9 Officer "Max"
City of Sedona-City Hall
Sedona, AZ Permanent City Art Collection-Joe Beeler Portrait
City of Town & Country-City Hall
Town & Country, MO Permanent City Art Collection
Also represented in numerous public and private art collections and my work has been published nationally and internationally.
Sedona Visual Artists Coalition Sedona, Arizona
National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP)