Featured artist
Lillian Anna Blouin
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- Sell reproduced works
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Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Still Life
Painting/Drawing - Wildlife/Birds
Painting/Drawing - Surrealism
Average Commission Prices
8” X 10” - $480
11”x 19” - $924
16”x 20” - $1920
18”x 24” - $2592
8” X 10” - $480
11”x 19” - $924
16”x 20” - $1920
18”x 24” - $2592
Artist Statement
Science has always been a subject that fascinates me. I love learning about how the world works and how through science we breakdown all the complicated functions of the universe into little pieces. By understanding these principles new inventions, innovations and, yes, even works of art are created. This project was my attempt to take the very building blocks of matter and explore what the elements embody to me.
An award-winning artist and devoted student of hyper-realism Lillian Anna Blouin’s unique style of painting seeks to bridge together the worlds of the real and the unreal. Each piece is a surreal exploration of everyday objects with multiple interpretations behind each painting. Lillian received her BA in Illustration from Laguna College of Art and Design. After showcasing in several southern California galleries, she was inspired to pursue an MFA in painting at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She has been an exhibitor in the internationally acclaimed Festival of the Arts since 2013. Other exhibitions include the LAAA’s National Survey Exhibition in Los Angles and the National Juried Small Works Exhibition in Clifton Springs, NY.
Science has always been a subject that fascinates me. I love learning about how the world works and how through science we breakdown all the complicated functions of the universe into little pieces. By understanding these principles new inventions, innovations and, yes, even works of art are created. This project was my attempt to take the very building blocks of matter and explore what the elements embody to me.
An award-winning artist and devoted student of hyper-realism Lillian Anna Blouin’s unique style of painting seeks to bridge together the worlds of the real and the unreal. Each piece is a surreal exploration of everyday objects with multiple interpretations behind each painting. Lillian received her BA in Illustration from Laguna College of Art and Design. After showcasing in several southern California galleries, she was inspired to pursue an MFA in painting at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She has been an exhibitor in the internationally acclaimed Festival of the Arts since 2013. Other exhibitions include the LAAA’s National Survey Exhibition in Los Angles and the National Juried Small Works Exhibition in Clifton Springs, NY.