Featured artist
Judy Horan
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Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Figurative/People
Painting/Drawing - Wildlife/Birds
Painting/Drawing - Nature
Artist Statement
Striving to create a calm, serene environment in life and in my artwork.
I decided when I was 10 that I wanted to paint like the masters. Having a very supportive influence in my father, who was a talented doodler, I set out on my journey. I would never claim to have reached master status, but I am still striving.
Striving to create a calm, serene environment in life and in my artwork.
I decided when I was 10 that I wanted to paint like the masters. Having a very supportive influence in my father, who was a talented doodler, I set out on my journey. I would never claim to have reached master status, but I am still striving.