Featured artist
Joyce Lindsay
Ontario, Canada
- Sell original works
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- Sell reproduced works
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Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Portrait
Painting/Drawing - Wildlife/Birds
Painting/Drawing - Pets/Equine
Artist Statement/Bio
I offer lifelike portraiture of animals and people in oil and pencil. Wild life and their habitat are the primary subject for my oil work.
My photography focuses mainly on animal, pets and their people.
During my career I have shown my work successfully in juried shows and a multitude of outdoor art shows. My photography consists mainly of portrait work of pets and their people. Wildlife and landscape are the focus when I travel.
I offer lifelike portraiture of animals and people in oil and pencil. Wild life and their habitat are the primary subject for my oil work.
My photography focuses mainly on animal, pets and their people.
During my career I have shown my work successfully in juried shows and a multitude of outdoor art shows. My photography consists mainly of portrait work of pets and their people. Wildlife and landscape are the focus when I travel.