Featured artist
Ferial Nassirzadeh
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Painting/Drawing - Still Life
Painting/Drawing - Floral
Artist Statement
I love the play of light and shadows on objects and flowers. The shadows help to dramatize the paintings and are an important part. I have had quite a lot of Artistic influences in workshops with such masters like David Leffel, Jeff Watts, John Cosby, Jackie Kamin, Daniel J. Keys and others whose work I admire. I study their works, I learn from them, they help me in my Artistic journey. I am always a student of Arts!
I love the play of light and shadows on objects and flowers. The shadows help to dramatize the paintings and are an important part. I have had quite a lot of Artistic influences in workshops with such masters like David Leffel, Jeff Watts, John Cosby, Jackie Kamin, Daniel J. Keys and others whose work I admire. I study their works, I learn from them, they help me in my Artistic journey. I am always a student of Arts!
Gallery Representation & Exhibition Schedule
The Artist Eye Gallery
Laguna Beach,CA
The Cottage Gallery on Los Rios
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Laguna Beach,CA
The Cottage Gallery on Los Rios
San Juan Capistrano, CA