Featured artist
Craig Wright
Virginia, USA
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Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Cityscape
Painting/Drawing - Still Life
Painting/Drawing - Nature
Artist Statement
I’m a practicing watercolor artist based in Fairfax, VA. While I appreciate all artistic styles, I’m a slave to realism where I try to recreate subjects in their most natural form. I tend to favor still life, architecture and cityscape subjects that have warm, earthy colors and lots of depth, shadows and contrast. I’m also very fond of painting monochromatic Black & White pieces that expose the beauty of value that is often unseen in a world of color. My wide range of subjects reflects a desire to challenge myself and the extent of my abilities as an artist. I hope you like and/or appreciate my work. Visit my website galleries to see more of my paintings.
Craig Wright was born in San Rafael, CA and grew up in Tucson, AZ. He served in the US Navy for 8+ years before settling down in Northern Virginia as a program and technology consultant to the US Government. In between earning a living and raising a family, Craig began painting in watercolor as a hobby in 2003. Today, Craig spends much of his time as a watercolor artist when not enjoying his wonderful family. He also allows time for other hobbies such as playing amateur baseball, fishing and traveling.
I’m a practicing watercolor artist based in Fairfax, VA. While I appreciate all artistic styles, I’m a slave to realism where I try to recreate subjects in their most natural form. I tend to favor still life, architecture and cityscape subjects that have warm, earthy colors and lots of depth, shadows and contrast. I’m also very fond of painting monochromatic Black & White pieces that expose the beauty of value that is often unseen in a world of color. My wide range of subjects reflects a desire to challenge myself and the extent of my abilities as an artist. I hope you like and/or appreciate my work. Visit my website galleries to see more of my paintings.
Craig Wright was born in San Rafael, CA and grew up in Tucson, AZ. He served in the US Navy for 8+ years before settling down in Northern Virginia as a program and technology consultant to the US Government. In between earning a living and raising a family, Craig began painting in watercolor as a hobby in 2003. Today, Craig spends much of his time as a watercolor artist when not enjoying his wonderful family. He also allows time for other hobbies such as playing amateur baseball, fishing and traveling.