Featured artist
Carol Peltzer McDonald
Arizona, USA
- Sell original works
- Sell reproduced works
- Take commissions/assignments
My commission rates run the same as my artwork, in general, as is based on size.
- Sell reproduced works
- Take commissions/assignments
My commission rates run the same as my artwork, in general, as is based on size.
Specialty Categories
Painting/Drawing - Abstract
Painting/Drawing - Mixed Media & Collage

Artist Statement
As an intuitive idealist, I see my world as endless potential and possibility! I think that’s why I’m so drawn to abstract art. It has no agenda and with every stroke of a brush, something new is showing up. Each piece is unique, in and of itself, and I never really know how it will evolve. That’s exciting to me!
I am very moved and inspired by beautiful music and whenever I’m painting, my instrumental New Age or light Jazz music is ON! Music helps shift me out of my analytical, left brain, and moves me into my creative one.
I am personally drawn to vibrant colors and dynamic, flowing movement, so my painting seems to incorporate that. There also seems to be some element of light as the source of focus in my work. I begin my pieces with dark colors to define a composition and then let the creative process evolve. I approach my painting like I approach my life—I observe….I assess….I react….and I respond. The process is fluid and never the same. I have no doubt that there’s an emotional element playing out, but I don’t try to analyze that. I simply respond to the piece and see where it wants to go.
Of course, not all paintings come together the way I’d like, but it’s interesting to me that with some pieces, I actually get chills when working on them. It’s like my soul telling me the piece is complete!
People tell me that they love the energy from my artwork. When someone experiences an emotional reaction to my work, it really touches me. I feel like a part of me is forever connected to a part of them!
Painting provides me with a sense of calm and inner peace—it’s my happy place! Every day is a new adventure in the studio and I am so grateful that I have the time and ability to pursue this dream.
Thank you for your interest in my work!
Carol has studied with numerous award-winning, contemporary abstract artists including Bruce Marion, Cody Hooper, David Michael Slonim, Marianne Mitchell, Jacqueline Sullivan, Sandra Duran Wilson, Carol Nelson, Joan Fullerton, among others. She is a juried artist with the Sonoran Arts League.
The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Tempe, AZ, ART WITH A HEART (2019 - present)
Transcedent Living Center, Tempe, AZ (2019 – 2021)
Sonoran Arts League Center for the Arts, Cave Creek, AZ (2020 – present)
• Hidden in the Hills Open Studio Tour, November 2021
• Desert Foothills Gallery, Hidden in the Hills Showcase, Oct 2021-Jan 2022
• Road Less Traveled Exhibition, Jul/Aug/Sep 2021
• Juried Members Exhibition, June/July 2021
• Varied Composition Exhibition, May 2021
• Color of Sky and Water Exhibition, February 2021
• New Member Exhibition, Dec/Jan 2021
Camelback Gallery, Online Phoenix, AZ (2021 - present)
• Juried Artist in Residence, Aug 2020-Aug 2021
• Artists Invitational, 2021, Bronze Award Aug 2021
• Open Invitational 2021, Bronze Award Nov 2021
Xanadu Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ (2021 - )
• Art Catalogue (JUL/AUG 2021)
• Art Catalogue (SEPT/OCT 2021)
• Art Catalogue (NOV/DEC 2021)
Ocotillo Artists Group
• Holiday Art Festival, Dec 2020
• Springs Fine Arts Festival, Mar 2021
• Sonoran Arts League (2020 – present)
• Arizona Artists Guild (2018 – 2019)
• Ocotillo Artists Group (2020 – present)
As an intuitive idealist, I see my world as endless potential and possibility! I think that’s why I’m so drawn to abstract art. It has no agenda and with every stroke of a brush, something new is showing up. Each piece is unique, in and of itself, and I never really know how it will evolve. That’s exciting to me!
I am very moved and inspired by beautiful music and whenever I’m painting, my instrumental New Age or light Jazz music is ON! Music helps shift me out of my analytical, left brain, and moves me into my creative one.
I am personally drawn to vibrant colors and dynamic, flowing movement, so my painting seems to incorporate that. There also seems to be some element of light as the source of focus in my work. I begin my pieces with dark colors to define a composition and then let the creative process evolve. I approach my painting like I approach my life—I observe….I assess….I react….and I respond. The process is fluid and never the same. I have no doubt that there’s an emotional element playing out, but I don’t try to analyze that. I simply respond to the piece and see where it wants to go.
Of course, not all paintings come together the way I’d like, but it’s interesting to me that with some pieces, I actually get chills when working on them. It’s like my soul telling me the piece is complete!
People tell me that they love the energy from my artwork. When someone experiences an emotional reaction to my work, it really touches me. I feel like a part of me is forever connected to a part of them!
Painting provides me with a sense of calm and inner peace—it’s my happy place! Every day is a new adventure in the studio and I am so grateful that I have the time and ability to pursue this dream.
Thank you for your interest in my work!
Carol has studied with numerous award-winning, contemporary abstract artists including Bruce Marion, Cody Hooper, David Michael Slonim, Marianne Mitchell, Jacqueline Sullivan, Sandra Duran Wilson, Carol Nelson, Joan Fullerton, among others. She is a juried artist with the Sonoran Arts League.
The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Tempe, AZ, ART WITH A HEART (2019 - present)
Transcedent Living Center, Tempe, AZ (2019 – 2021)
Sonoran Arts League Center for the Arts, Cave Creek, AZ (2020 – present)
• Hidden in the Hills Open Studio Tour, November 2021
• Desert Foothills Gallery, Hidden in the Hills Showcase, Oct 2021-Jan 2022
• Road Less Traveled Exhibition, Jul/Aug/Sep 2021
• Juried Members Exhibition, June/July 2021
• Varied Composition Exhibition, May 2021
• Color of Sky and Water Exhibition, February 2021
• New Member Exhibition, Dec/Jan 2021
Camelback Gallery, Online Phoenix, AZ (2021 - present)
• Juried Artist in Residence, Aug 2020-Aug 2021
• Artists Invitational, 2021, Bronze Award Aug 2021
• Open Invitational 2021, Bronze Award Nov 2021
Xanadu Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ (2021 - )
• Art Catalogue (JUL/AUG 2021)
• Art Catalogue (SEPT/OCT 2021)
• Art Catalogue (NOV/DEC 2021)
Ocotillo Artists Group
• Holiday Art Festival, Dec 2020
• Springs Fine Arts Festival, Mar 2021
• Sonoran Arts League (2020 – present)
• Arizona Artists Guild (2018 – 2019)
• Ocotillo Artists Group (2020 – present)